When you pick up an excessive shopping habit of 90's sun-faded tees and distressed work pants your wardrobe will soon fill up and you'll be out of space. To make room for more you sometimes need to sell some of what you don't wear, and why not maximize that profit?
So to sell your unwanted garms and make some cash, here are some tips & tricks to do so:
1. Choose a platform that has a bidding function.
2. Take proper pictures of your item in good lighting and make sure to get all the details (both good and bad ones).
3. Write a simple product description with only the most important information. Preferably put a summary of the product in the title,
E.g. Vintage Carhartt Double Knee Pant - W32/L32 - Navy
That way your potential customers won't even have to click on the product description to know what the product's about.
3. Set a starting price that you're comfortable selling at, even though you aim for getting more.
4. Make sure that your ad has an end date and time on a Sunday night, study shows that's when most people are active on market platforms (don't quote me, I can't find the source...).
5. Publish and watch the bidding war begin. If you keep stacking your money like this you'll need a ladder by summer!